Sunday, August 30, 2009

Harper's photo shoot at 7 months

My little boy is growing up way too fast!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Harper at 3 months

Saying HEY to Daddy

Hanging out with the paents... So entertaining

This is my favorite picture of him.... Look at those big eyes

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Harper at 2 months

So Harper went for his two month check-up and received his first round of shots. I actually didn't cry this time, and he began smiling shortly after. He is now weighing 11 pounds and 7 ounces, and is 23 inches long.... He is getting so big so fast! He is cooing all the time now and loves to play peek-a-boo in the mornings. I started last week working out and squatting Harper, it's a funny sight! We are leaving for MS tomorrow for Beth Ray's wedding and to introduce Harper to the rest of the family! I am nervous about the takin him on the plane, we are going to be that couple that no one wants to sit near because they have a screaming baby.... I am already expecting to get some ugly looks once the plane lands :) I'll post pics of Harper in his suit and meeting the family

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Harper West Update

So, Harper has had some tummy issues lately that has caused many sleepless nights. He has been constipated after I started supplementing one bottle of soy formula at night.... It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what was making him constipated. The Dr. told me to give him a suppository... well that was unpleasant to say the least. Now we are working on a sleep schedule.. wish us luck!!

Also, I found a new job doing contract work at a hospital! I can choose my own hours and days to work...Yay FLEXIBILITY!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Harper West Gatlin

Harper with his daddy, and grandparents (Lollie and Pop).
Well, I was admitted into the hospital at 9 pm on Tuesday, January 27th for an induction. After 5 hours of labor, contractions occuring every two minutes without any drugs, the Dr broke my water. Harper became intolerable of the contractions and his heart rate began to drop. They placed me on oxygen and monitered Harper internally. He was still unstable so they decided to do a C-section. Harper was born on Wednesday morning at 5:53 am. He weighed 8.5 lbs and is 21 inches long..... A BIG BOY!!!! He had a heart murmur, but as of Friday, it has disappeared! Thank GOD!!!! He is healthy and strong! He looks just like his daddy. There is no resembelance of me except his length.... We are truly blessed and could not ask for more!!! Harper has his first appointment with his pediatrician on Monday morning, so we are looking forward to that....

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Latest on Harper Gatlin

Well, I just finished my 38 week check up. Harper has dropped but I still haven't dialated. The Dr. was worried that the baby was underweight because the measurement of my belly hadn't changed, and I have been sick with a GI bug and have been dehydrated. Long story short, the doctor wanted to take another ultrasound to check on th eamniotic fluid and the baby's weight. The amniotic fluid was low but not dangerously low, so I was told to drink lots of fluids. Harper's weight at 38 weeks is 7 lbs 10 oz. The doctor was shocked that he was so big already so she decided to move up my inducement date from Feb 3 to January 27th so that I wouldn't give birth to an 11 lb baby (Davey). So far everything is looking great! I am feeling better and will be back to work on Monday. Dave took the day off and took care of me on Wednesday... He may be the best babysitter ever!! I'm lucky to have him!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nursery in progress

The nursery which is a work in progress! Dave is painting the changer and dresser right now. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of the week